Recipe serves: 6

Lasagna with turkey and kielbasa

lbs lean ground turkey
1 Tbsp oil
½ lbs Polska Kielbasa, diced
2 jar Traditional Prego sauce (1 lbs 10 oz each)
1 package Barilla oven ready lasagna pasta (9 oz)
2 cup Mozzarella cheese, shredded

Preparation steps:
  1. In a large pan, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the ground turkey and stir-fry until fully cooked.
  2. Add the diced Polska Kielbasa and 1 jar of Prego sauce to the pan. Mix well and set aside
  3. Lightly oil a 10" x 15" baking dish (Pyrex), and preheat the oven to 375F.
  4. Assemble the lasagna in the following layers:

        ½   jar of Prego sauce
        5 Lasagna sheets
        ½   meat mix

        5 Lasagna sheets
        ½   meat mix

        Lasagna sheets
        ½   jar of Prego sauce
        Mozzarella cheese

  5. Cover the dish with aluminum foil.
  6. Bake at 375°F for 55 minutes on a middle-high oven rack.
Picture of recipe

Take note:
  • Barilla oven ready lasagna pasta -
    No need to cook the lasagna sheets
    before baking
  • Polka Kielbasa -
    A fully cooked Polish sausage,
    typically sold in 1 lb packages.